How to install iron man 3d game for Android

How to install Iron Man 3d Game for Android all devices. During a business trip to Afghanistan to demonstrate Stark Industries ' new weapon, Tony Stark is kidnapped by the terrorist group Ten Rings , who orders him to build a missile for them. Instead, he and fellow captive Yinsen secretly build a powered suit of armor in the months following his capture. During this time, Yinsen also acts as Stark's mentor, showing him humility and telling him of the horrors his company has caused, making Stark reconsider his life. Stark impressed himself after finishing the armor, calling it "the future". Armed with a flamethrower , Stark uses the armor to defeat several terrorists and destroy their weapons stockpile, but Yinsen is killed during the escape. Stark then escapes from the Ten Rings caves, but his suit is destroyed when he crashlands in the desert. Upon being picked up by the Air Force and returning to the ...